

Visits that are recorded on this site should have the following documents attached to the particular visit details:

  1. Information sent to parent/carers such as letters, information booklets, etc.
  2. A visit specific risk assessment
  3. Provider Assurance Form(s) for any provider who does not hold a Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge
  4. An itinerary for the visit if residential

Doncaster City Council has adopted the Outdoor Education Advisers' Panel (OEAP) National Guidance for School Visits as the current best practice for off-site visits for all schools to follow who use the DCC Educational Visits Service.:

Click here for details of the OEAP National Guidance documentation


This site is for the planning, notification and approval of off-site educational visits for establishments who buy into the Local Authority traded service for off-site visits. If you are having problems accessing the site, in the first instance please contact your Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) or see the 'Login FAQ' below.

For enquiries, advice, guidance, training and support with regards the planning and delivery of educational off-site visits please click here to send an email or email darren.saxton@doncaster.gov.uk or phone 07970 844951 / 01302 736692.

Guidance regarding the planning of off-site visits is available by selecting the 'Documents' tab on the toolbar above. Please remember to submit your visits in a timely manner to give those approving them the time they require to look through the information and documents.

If your establishment does not currently make use of the Local Authority Traded Service for off-site visits but would like more information regarding the service(s) available from Buy Doncaster, please click on the link below
Buy Doncaster Educational Visits Support Service

Login FAQ

What do I do if I'm a new user and I don't have an account?
Register here.
Note that your account will not be enabled until your identity has been confirmed by your EVC.
What do I do if I've forgotten my password and/or username?
Reset your password.
Follow instructions on screen and in subsequent emails and you will be sent a new password and a reminder of your username. Be patient - although the Exeant server will send an email immediately, this can often take a while to get through your own email systems filtering and anti-spam measures.
What do I do if the reset password facility won't work because I've changed my email address?
Exeant sends password reset emails to the email address it has stored for you. If this has changed, you will need to contact your EVC and they will be able to change the email address for you. If you are an EVC, then contact your employer's outdoor education adviser.
What do I do if I've tried all of that and I still can't log in?
Please contact info@exeant.co.uk. Note that they are unable to tell you your password, reset it for you or change your email in the system. Only your EVC or employer can do these things.